
1-18-08 in France is...06-02-08

Parlez vous francais?

The international dates for Cloverfield/1-18-08 are going to be off our premier date in January. In the U.K., the trailer just indicates a release date of 2008 (see 1-18-08 U.K. trailer) while the French actually have a date established.

The boys at unFiction have found the French premier date for Cloverfield on 06-02-08 (see here). The French page is also a Flash movie and not the Quicktime that we see here. Not too surprising. If you have ever kept up with how the French Government doesn't like Apple and iTunes you'll know they are not the best of friends.


  1. You are lucky, in USA.
    "Nous", in France, we must waiting few days later..
    We can't wait !

    (Oh mon Dieu, my level of english is not brillant)

  2. The question is, is it coming out on June the second, or in European format; February the 6th?
