New 'Cloverfield' Theory...

Well, I figure the 1-18-08 Blog can be as wrong as the next dude so here goes my theory. It evolves from one of the 2 known credible sites, the Slusho homepage.
Take a closer look at their main picture, the Slusho container. Look familiar?
That's right. The Slusho container looks like Master Shake! And, that's not all. Check out this image from the Aqua Teen Hunger Force Movie that came out this year featuring the main characters in dramatic poses.
Take a look closer at Carl, seen here holding a sword with his right hand up high while his left arm is bent inwards, almost like it's ready to hold something. Maybe a large tablet?
...look familiar !?!
Looks suspiciously like little Lady Liberty. And, if you look at a map of the New York City area you'll notice Liberty Island, home to the statue that gets its head blown off in the trailer, is conveniently positioned to the SW of Manhattan island.
The head of Liberty is blown in a NE direction toward Manhattan. For an object of that magnitude to fly in the air all the way toward Broadway there must be a large force coming from behind the Statue of Liberty to create that chaos.
And what's behind that?
New Jersey, home of the Aqua Teen Hunger Force!
Maybe the next scene we'll be seeing is this:
Just remember that in mid January of this year members of the ATHF crew were placing suspicious looking devices around major cities to help promote their propaganda. The devastating effects of those 'glowing' bomb-like devices even caused Boston citizens to freak out and panic. Members of the Bomb-squad and swat teams had to be called in to save the day.
Hopefully, this coming January we won't be blindsided by the destructive actions of the ATHF!
P.S.-Hope you had a good laugh. Have a great weekend. 1-18-08 Blog
'MONOSTROUS' Poster Explained

1-18-08 Picture #5 And New Characters

- Rob Hawkins (Age: 26) - Myspace Profile [/robbyhawkins]
Jason Hawkins (Age: 28) - Myspace Profile [/jj_hawkins]
Lilly Ford (Age: 26) - Myspace Profile [/lilly_ford]
Beth McIntyre (Age: 26) - Myspace Profile [/beth_mcintyre]
Jamie Lascano (Age: 26) - Myspace Profile [/jamielascano]
Marlena Diamond (Age: 26) - Myspace Profile [/marlenadiamond]
Hudson Pratt (Age: 26) - Myspace Profile [/hudsonplatt]
Official Name Is: ...

...not revealed today.
JJ Abrams released this statement:
“I want a monster movie, I've wanted one for so long. I was in Japan with my son and all he wanted to do is go to toy stores. And we saw all these Godzilla toys, and I thought, we need our own monster, and not King Kong, King Kong's adorable. I wanted something that was just insane and intense. It's almost done shooting and I watch dailies and I'm more excited for them than the trailer, which has had an overwhelming response. We have 6 months before this comes out. We're going to have a whole bunch of things, a whole bunch more." He said a full trailer, more clips, full posters, and much more will be coming out over the next 6 months, including the name, which he will NOT reveal today.
“You think we'd call it Monstrous? No…"
Wow. A shocker. Abrams likes to keep a tight lid on his projects and we have a feeling the poster and title leak this week were good clues that the power of this movie is strong. However, he really backed out of the naming of the title of the movie.
Monstrous Poster Real?

Possible Title found for 1-18-08??
1-18-08/Cloverfield/Parasite/Monstrous Movie Trailer
Hi-Res Pic Of The Monstrous / Cloverfield / Parasite Poster

How the poster got out :
Someone on the IMDB board, in response to my hi-res images, stated that they know the vendor selling the "stolen" image for the movie and has already been contacted by Paramount.The name of the person who is selling the one sheet pictured by our fellow poster here on IMDB is Luanna Jo Brown. I happen to know this woman. She has a big booth at the Frank and Son's show and sells movie posters and bootleg movies. She lives in Victorville, CA and Paramount has already been contacted regarding this breach and this stupid lady just spoiled the big announcement of the film's title that Paramount was saving for the Comic Con for all us fans. Plus -- she will be actually trying to SELL THESE STOLEN MOVIE One Sheets from Paramount while she is at the Con. I hope karma is kind to her. Cause Paramount won't be!!!!
Whether this is true or not, it hasn't seemed to phase anyone very much. Arguments against the poster state that the Vendor "Luanna Jo Brown" ruined the game by revealing the super-secret title days before JJ Abrams' big announcement at Comic-Con. As far as I'm concerned, we don't know that this is a true story and so what if the title is Monstrous? We still don't know what the monster is or why it's so pissed. [ ...more ]
Greg Grunberg Will Be In ‘Cloverfield’

Directors are picky people. There's always a core group of actors that a director will rely on to fill a role in their next movie and one such relationship is director JJ Abrams and actor Greg Grunberg.
They have worked together on Felicity, Alias, Lost, and Mission Impossible III before Grunberg took a role as a regular character on Heroes. If you remember, Grunberg flew out to Hawaii specifically to play the pilot in Lost for Abrams. The pilot in question got sucked out of the cockpit by the island's monster so I'm wondering what fate he will face in 'Cloverfield.'
Grunberg announced to TV Guide that he visited the set of the 'Cloverfield' production and will pop up again in some form in the 'Cloverfield' movie.

'Slusho' Filming

Monstrous News: Is Registered by Paramount and 'The Parasite' Is Up

So far people have claimed that the 'Cloverfield' project is one or more of the following:
A LOST tie-in, Voltron, Godzilla, a remake of 'The Host', A Leviathan (also a shitty picture staring Peter Weller), Ethan Hass (turns out it's a video game), The Parasite and Slusho (production working titles), Behemoth, Stay-puft marshmallow man, Monstrous, Cthulhu Mythos ( and any Lovecraft related works), and the The Apocalypse.
In the end you're relying on people to spread the word and keep the movement alive. That also means you're relying on those same people to give you true clues, which is usually not the case. Some people just like to join in on the fun and throw out their own ideas while the true sites are mixed in the big web of misinformation.
That's why there are so many people putting up fake information in situations like 'Cloverfield.' It's a big, fun viral project that nobody really knows anything about. The best way to determine if it's fake is whether or not it is giving new information on the project. Fakes will usually take something they know already, like a license plate or fact that the Statue of Liberty lost its head, and use that for a basis of their information.
The source will almost always provide an answer in the form of a new mystery or question. Take this weeks biggest clue in the form of a blurry picture of a poster depicting the headless Statue of Liberty and the movie title, "MONSTROUS." It's been reported that Paramount Pictures bought the website domain name in June.
Although it has every look of being a fake, it does a cool job to get the talk going about the movie. For now, if you type in "The Parasite Movie" into your url you'll be directed to the official trailer for 1-18-08. That's odd because just a week ago the site was an ugly, fan-boy looking site that directed you a forum on lawn games. (see old site here)
If that is the poster for the movie it would be acceptable. If that's the title of the movie, MONSTROUS, then that's debatable. We'll just all have to wait until JJ Abrams talks at Comic-con next week to reveal the true movie title. Waiting sucks...
Update: (THURS) The Parasite Movie redirects again toward another website. The domain owner is just having fun. Shame! Liked that idea...
Cloverfield 1-18-08 Movie Poster?

Cloverfield Behind the Scenes Footage

'Project Cloverfield' Storyline

“It’s about an alien that wipes out all of New York City,” one of the owners told the New York Post. “The footage is taken the day before everyone dies. A bunch of kids come to Coney Island with a video camera. The movie is a flashback to that day. [ ...more ]
Ethan Hass Is Something Different...

Cloverfield: Title Revealed, Set Photos, The Origin of Slusho Video and More

JJ Abrams says Ethan Haas has “Nothing To Do With” Cloverfield

Ethan Haas Was Right - Message #1

Ethan Haas Was Right - Message #3

Ethan Haas Was Right - Message #3 message 4

The great cycle, the beginning and the end, turns just as the plans of the gods turn once again to the world of men.
And they will come upon the ear...
Welcome to 1-18-08 Project Cloverfield Blog.
Cloverfield is the J.J. Abrams (Lost, Alias) produced monster flick directed by Matt Reeves. Get caught up on all the Cloverfield news including the viral world of Tagruato, TIDOwave, and Slusho!? And now Aladygma?
However, I love viral campaigns. Cloverfield taught me the fun of being involved with the viral world of movies and TV. That's why I'd like to branch out this site to cover some of the major viral campaigns as they are developing. Feel free to drop me a line or tip on any you find interesting.
A few pictures and covert videos from the film showed up online and there were only a few core facts we knew of including the poster, the teaser trailer, and a few websites at 1-18-08, Tagruato Corp, and Slusho .
In November, the official full-length Cloverfield trailer was released that helped open up the story as well as cement the "Cloverfield" name for the movie. A short glimpse of the Cloverfield Monster was seen but for most people they still had little or no clue as to what it was.
The movie centered around five young New Yorkers throwing their friend a going-away party the night that a monster the size of a skyscraper descends upon the city. Told from the point of view of their video camera, the film is a document of their attempt to survive the most surreal, horrifying event of their lives. Cloverfield opened the weekend of 1-18-08 and set box office records for a movie in January with a monster take of over $40M. Continue to check back here for updates on the mystery and viral campaigns of Cloverfield.
Contact me
What does viral marketing mean? Click here. Updates with pictures randomly. Each picture is layered onto of the previous update and all can be dragged and moved around the screen. Click and hold the mouse to 'grab' an image and move it around. While holding the image, shake it back and forth quickly and it will flip over. Some images have writing on the back.
Slusho This is the Japanese frozen drink made from a secret ingredient gathered from the bottom of the ocean. Slusho gives you a kick and makes you extremely happy. Prior to 1-18-08 Slusho was not sold in the US. However, recent FDA approval gave Slusho clearance to come to the states. Rob Hawkins, the lead character, was recently promoted to vice-president of Slusho and was on his way to Japan the night of the attack. Slusho is owned by the Tagruato Corp. of Japan. Slusho also first made an appearance on J.J. Abrams Alias during a scene where characters buy the drink at a store.
Tagruato This ficticious Japanese company is the parent company of Slusho as well as the Yoshida Medical Research, Bold Futura, and ParafFUN! Wax Distributors. Besides drilling the oceans for Slusho ingredients, Tagruato builds everything from space satellites to medical gear.
T.I.D.O wave An activist group set out to bring to light all the damage Tagruato has done to the envirnoment.
Jamie and Teddy A minor character from the movie, Jamie popped up on a picture and the MySpace profiles for the movies characters before getting famous for her "Jamie and Teddy" website. The site is comprised of video journals from Jamie. The site is password protected but can be accessed by the password "jllovesth"

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